Tuesday, December 4, 2007

New Site

Lionel and I decided to put some foot work to our words. The intent of the site is to point those of us blacks who absolutely cannot find any solid black churches in our area. Our aim is to point us to Biblically sound churches regardless of the nationality & regardless of race. We will feature sound churches at least one a week in which Lionel or I will call and speak to the pastors of these churches personally and see if they are sound. Once completed we will put them on our Good Churches list and build from there. We also would like to give out free materials to all people that will help better equip the entire body of Christ. Please let us know if you have any information or would like to assist in equipping the Body of Christ. Thanks.

New Site listed Here.


S.J. Walker said...

Good morning brothers,

I suppose it shouldn't, but there is something that bothers me. My local association has pretty much excommunicated me. They have literally tried to have my father's church split visciously, and have worked with two (former) members of that congregation to have him removed.

The reason: he preaches reformed Southern Baptist Doctrine.

They are so concerned about all things but Christ crucified. They are so concerned about creating Black churches, Cowboy Churches, Biker Churches, and the list goes on. As if being Black is a lifestyle like being a cowboy. They have called me, and dad, and a few others all your standard text book theological epithets.

As I looked down through my blog role I noticed your various blogs that are linked to mine for no other reason that you preach the truth in writing.

And I am the hate-filled fightin' fundy to these men?

I apologize, but that infuriates me.

Lionel Woods said...

Being black is sort of a lifestyle SJ. What I mean is we have cultural differences though we are united in the truth of the Gospel. Our hope is to get more blacks out of the word of faith false preaching and into sound theological churches. Some of these people refuse to go to an all white church (just like most whites refuse to go to an all black church) so we are attempting to bridge that gap by giving them sound theological teaching from people that look, walk and talk like them and not only that all so have some of the same struggles. It may be difficult to explain this. I may have to write something, but I want to be fair so give me some time brother.

S.J. Walker said...

Dear Brother,

I do not at all question where it is you are coming from. I apologize. I am more speaking of what is going on here where I am. The pastors here are working essentially to nullify what you are trying to do.

I do not deny that there are cultural lifestyles and differences, some of which should be left intact and celebrated, and some that need to be reformed or done away with entirely. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for what brothers are working toward.

But out here, it is nothing of the kind to these other men, by creating all these different flavors, they divide and call my brothers divisive, they judge and call my brothers judgmental, they lie and all my brother the hypocrits.

I know that I know very little if anything about your kin brother, but you and your kin are MY kin as well. What infuriates me my brothers, is that I truly believe I would be willing to give my life to march through the gates of Heaven beside you. These men want to put you, and me, in boxes to be shipped after their arrival.

I know I'm a fool, but Lord help me, all I see here are my own flesh and blood.

Keep on pressing, if God wills, perhaps I can protect your Western flank.

In Christ

S.J. Walker said...

Oh, I forgot to mention this.
I know this may be outside the area you are, or maybe not, but you may want to contact the church my father is presently pastoring.

The Name is Elm Avenue Baptist Church. I don't know if he will be in his office today, but there is a link to their website on my blog. (If i could figure how to get hyperlinks in these darn comment pages, I'd put one in here...grrrr:))

God Bless

Anonymous said...


Hang in there brother. The SBC is suffering from an identity crisis. Trying to be a denomination of a-la-carte. I hope your daddy preaches the "hell" right out of them! My most recent work has been with the SBC, and the thickest spiritual battle has been behind the SBC/PDC marriage. So, I get those references you made in that fist post. Let me fish around so I can find your blog.


Lionel Woods said...

I am actually thinking about joining the SBC. This will be interesting.

S.J. Walker said...


I would not want to desuade from joining the SBC. There are plenty of good SBC Churches. I still call myself a Southern Baptist because I hold to what the Southern Baptists started out as and have overall been consistent towards on Doctrine. I believe that many of not the majority have fallen away, or at least been sorely deceived. But that doesn't change my denomination.

My wife and I currently attend a Community Church. But I am Baptist through and through--just ask my church! :)

Not long ago, I was very hesitant to call myself anything let alone a Southern Baptist. Most every Southern Baptist I could see was either legalistic, or more often liberal like what we see today.

The more I studied, I came to the same point a dear brother of mine came to many years before. I realized I had not left the Southern Baptists--I had become one.

You really should talk to Elm Avenue. They have absolutely no inner city experience or anything like that, but would be a good resource and Pa would be overjoyed to speak with you even through emial. Also, the men a First Baptist of Muscle Shoals down in AL are very solid.

These are both linked to my blog.

God bless

Anonymous said...

Hey fellas,

Let it be known, my comments that are critical are constructive and not destructive. Scripture tells us that we are to test all things and hold fast that which is good.

I worship at an SBC church myself. I've received SBC funds, prayer support and fellowship.

As someone I know joined the SBC a couple of years ago, I stated that it was good. They need a few good men.


I look forward to talking with you.

However, I was just stating facts. That are true of the SBC in this area, and I see it is happening all over with the SBC.

I think the SBC is miles ahead of the NBC, and the ABC.

And in Moses like fashion, let me say would to God, that more men conservative and orthodox in theology had a heart to get in the SBC.

There's a need for more Al Mohlers, Eric Redmons, Voddie Bauchmans,and Ken Silvas!

I would encourage you to take a step of faith and join, and make the differenc. That's my mindset.

And it doesn't matter if its Community Church, Bible Chapel, or Baptist. Are they striving to be bibliocentric and can I strive as a bibliocentric pastor/preacher to come alongside that church and be myself?

Those are the issues. Blessings.

Lionel Woods said...

I understand your position S.J and I appreciate your wisdom. I think men like Washer, Mohler, Redmond, Silvas, Bauchum and many other great reformed SBC is what I enjoy and I think it is where I can make the greatest impact. The need for solid black churches that are Baptist in their ecclisiology is what I desrie. So hopefully this will come to fuition, I don't know but I am praying for wisdom. Thanks again Soul and S.J you guys have been great.