Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gospel "Less" Music

Let’s start by asking a question. If someone had a steady hand would you allow them to perform brain surgery on you? The obvious answer is no. I use the same argument as it relates to Gospel Music. Just because someone has a beautiful voice by no means deem them qualified to be worship leaders, or even release gospel albums. I have seen some of the most criminal acts being performed on the Word of God by those who make gospel music. Just as the surgeon has to meet qualifications such as med school, a medical board and residency, I believe that a gospel music artist should do the same. Just because someone has musical talents doesn’t mean that should be leading music within the Church (I wanted to reiterate this).

The sad reality is this. I know people who either lead worship, or are involved with the most visible people group within the church behind the pastor who should be disciplined for their lifestyles. Growing up, I knew a guy who had three kids by two different women being the key musical figure in the church I grew up in. Because of his talent people overlooked his sin (they overlooked everyone’s). Those in the forefront of our local fellowships should be examples of Christ first. This should be an automatic DQ! I am seeing whoremongers, adulterers, man and women who are divorced and remarried without biblical grounds, and other related individuals being encouraged instead of admonished, just because of a musical gift.

Next we have people who may meet the moral qualification but have no clue of what the Gospel is. So they sing songs, that are man centered instead of understanding that when we Worship, we are to be worshipping someone. That someone is not we but our God, through Jesus Christ. I hear songs like “Falling in Love with Jesus” (though my worship leader song this Sunday and he is solid as it relates to morality and the Gospel) and we are calling the fellowship together to sing this song? This is a man centered song. We offer nothing to Jesus at best we are singing to one another, at worst we are singing to ourselves. When the Corporate Body comes together we should be humbling ourselves in reverence to our Lord and not singing self-help songs that offer up nothing up to our Savior. Just because the melody is nice and it is an emotion grabber, this should not be how we choose songs for us to worship. I would sometimes rather sing from a Hymnal versus singing man-centered songs. These great man and women of faith understood the Gospel and understood what it meant to worship God. Many of the songs we sing today are from professional singers who are making a killing regurgitating self help garbage that only leads us to more self-centeredness versus a proper view of ourselves in light of the glorious Gospel. That is why we have churches packed with people who believe that they are relatively good, and that goodness is what is going to get them heaven. They believe that “God wants them to be happy” and God’s greatest joy comes from us getting what we want. I personally believe that a non-believer should be extremely convicted by what we sing in worship, not moved. He should here about the cross, atonement, sacrifice, our need of the Gospel, and are hopelessness of attaining that in and of ourselves.

Finally, I want to address professional Christian music artists. It is very rare that you would find anyone of African American decent that has a Christ Centered Album. Kirk has a few songs, but overall it is hit and miss. Fred Hammond is a modalist who believes sitting under Jakes is what is going to help him mature and get some sort of spiritual blessing (Elijah/Elisha). Israel songs makes me want to skip through the field with flowers behind my ears, Yolanda Adam does songs with Kanye and Bone so enough said there, Donnie McClurkin is singing at a TBN praise-a-thon, Juanita done lost her mind, Hezekiah is mentoring Puff Daddy, P-Diddy, or whatever you call him, Mary Mary sings an entire song about Heaven and Jesus is the only person they don’t want to see and my man William Murphy is busy speaking in tongues through his entire album, and is constantly singing Word of Faith hogwash. I don’t know their motives so I will not go there. I do know for sure that a lot of these individuals I listed are millionaires, (J Moss with his Bentley in his videos). Nothing wrong with being a millionaire, but I will ask, how many Wilberforce songs would you play in a club (remember Stomp), or how many of hymnals do you know will get national airplay (Smokie and Donnie Mack) in the middle of heavy rotation? None! Why because they boast about Christ and His accomplished work on the cross. Last year the song of the year was “The blessings of Abraham” by Donald Lawrence. It is a massacre performed on the promise made to Abraham and his future seed. This dude somehow equates this seed to faith and twists faith to be something you just need to speak and wah lah God becomes an instant genie.

I believe we have to become more critical, more people are duped by gospel artist than word of faith preachers everyday (as a matter of fact most of them work hand in hand, remember Kirk went from having R. Kelly on his album to Jakes, I don’t know which is worse). We have to start drawing a line in the sand, and telling these artist and churches, if they will continue to compromise the Gospel we will have to go our separate ways. Currently there is a muddy mixture which is bound to get someone drowned.


Melissa said...


Mr. Horton Sr. said...

Very thought provoking article. That picture you found was hilarious to me because I hav been there and done that. Most Gospel music is gospel less. I should holler at Cross Movement and bust a singing album that sings the stuff they rap about. That would be different but definitely needed. LOL God Bless

Jim Pemberton said...

As a church musician concerned with the corporate worship of our Lord, I'll echo Melissa:


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why you have put this picture up and why you think it's funny - please explain - thanks

Lionel Woods said...

What makes you think that I was being funny? Next time leave a name, anonymous people will not get responses.

Anonymous said...

Ths is a very brave article. Although it seems to me that we should be supporting those Christians in the spotlight such as Kirk, Donnie, Fred etc - instead of ripping them to bits. They are the ones that are shinnng their lights in the secular world - Gospel music is about spreading the gospel - let's not just keep the message in our churches - we need these artistes to take gospel music to the world! It's not up to us to judge whether gospel music is 'gospel less' as you put it - let's focus our time on spreading the word rather than critizing one another.

I actually like the picture that you posted - it shows the fun way that Gospel music is spreading the christian message - who is the photo of?

Anyway that's my opinion - God bless

Lionel Woods said...

Hello Jennifer,

You said:
They are the ones that are shinnng their lights in the secular world - Gospel music is about spreading the gospel - let's not just keep the message in our churches - we need these artistes to take gospel music to the world!

Can you explain to me the Gospel that these artists so bodly proclaim? What exactly do you mean by Gospel? I am not trying to be sarcastic, funny, mean or any of the sort, but none of these individuals proclaim the Good News of Christ. I see Kirk on Sunday's Best and not once has anyone on that show proclaimed the Gospel. I see Donnie Mack on TBN doing a praise-a-thon promising people if they give $40 dollars to TBN they will have 40 days of blessing. So here are some questions for you to ponder.

1. Is it okay for Kirk to partner with someone who outright denies the trinity (essential Chrisitan truth)?

2 Is it okay for Donnie to help support TBN especially Paul Crouch, who happens to be one of the greatest and most influential false teachers of our day?

3. Explain to me the Gospel please. Why is there a need, is Jesus the only way, what about those who reject the deity of Christ, what about the bible, what about the person of God? I really would like to know what you mean by the Gospel, because Paul Washer preaches the Gospel, and what he says and what they sing about our polar opposites.

I await your response, btw my number is 972-816-7024, you can call anytime, I would love to dialouge with you more.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for responding - it's interesting to see your views. The Gospel message is to tell the world about God and His love - being a witness. Gospel of course does mean a lot more - but this is the simple answer - Jesus told us to 'go out into the world to make disciples of all men' - I just think that we should be going to the world as Jesus commanded. Unfortuantly in the world we live in today the world is going to reject fire and brimstone teaching and preaching. Gospel music is a method of reaching to the world in a non-treatening way that is acceptable to non-christians. Then we can get the message across.

I think you are quite judgemental when you say that none of the above artists are proclaiming the Good News of Christ. Their songs are all about Jesus and their journey with Him.

Kirk doesn't need to worry about appearing on shows that you say do not 'proclaimed the Gospel' - because that is why he is there to proclaim the gospel. God hasn't called him to stay in the Church - He's called him to go out into the world.

In regard to your questions I can't comment on them as an individual case as I am unsure of the facts or what sources you are referring to - but generally this is what I feel:

1. you said "Is it okay for Kirk to partner with someone who outright denies the trinity (essential Chrisitan truth)?"

Yes it is ok - Kirk is covered and protected by Jesus - are you saying that mixing with sinners is not good for Christians or that we shouldn't be seen with them?? just look at Jesus - he spent time with sinners - the prostitute, tax collectors etc etc - he didn't spend all his time in the churches preaching to the converted.

2 you said "Is it okay for Donnie to help support TBN especially Paul Crouch, who happens to be one of the greatest and most influential false teachers of our day?"

- I'm not familiar with Paul Crouch so I can't comment on him being a false teacher - but I do believe that Donnie is on mission for God and mixing with supposed 'false teachers' is not going to make him a sinner.

3. you said "Explain to me the Gospel please. Why is there a need, is Jesus the only way, what about those who reject the deity of Christ, what about the bible, what about the person of God? I really would like to know what you mean by the Gospel, because Paul Washer preaches the Gospel, and what he says and what they sing about our polar opposites".

- I'm not really sure what you are asking here - please explain.

Lionel Woods said...

Jennifer I will answer your questions numerically starting with the paragraph "Kirk doesn't have to worry"

1. Your first statement really doesn't explain anything. It simply affirms with I am saying. Kirk was on Oprah, the Gospel was not proclaimed. Secondly T.D Jakes (the Word of Faith and Heresey King) is on his albums and that is highly unacceptable. It is never okay to partner with someone in the name of Christ who denies the person of Christ. The Trinity is essential and T.D Jakes outright deny this essential truth.

2. Let me help you out. Paul Crouch owns TBN, Showtime and Playboy does the world more good than TBN does. The gospel they proclaim is a false Gospel in which many will go to hell if they trust in. Donnie Mack was not only on their singing he made a promise "if you give $40 dollars, God will give you 40 days of blessing". If you believe this, send me $1,000 and I believe you will have 1,000 days of blessing. Listen if you don't have a problem with people peddling the Jesus for personal gain, then that may be a heart issue on your side, not mine.

3. Let me be more clear. Explain the gospel to me. Share the gospel, and your testimony. Let me know what it takes for one to be a christian. The music they sing about is inspirational at best but it is definitely not "Gospel".

Let me sum it up here Jennifer. It seems that you have pure motives here. So I don't want to come off as "judgmental" (you ever realize if someone disagrees automatically judgmental is the catch all to shut them up, you really shouldn't resort to this tactic) or rude. The name of Jesus Christ is abused. The black church (as a fellowship not as born again believers) are even worse.

The truth is Donnie, Yolanda, and Kirk all sing songs that take scripture out of context to make good sounding songs. Next they all become preachers who just becasue they have a singing talent, they automatically can become preachers. To stand behind the pulpit on any given day is to be the voice of God, when someone sings a song about Christ, they step into an arena of proclamation. These individuals are not being faithful to the scriptures or to God, they are making a buck. Though I enjoy their melodies, I hate there handle of scripture.

Finally Jennifer I need to know more about you. Where are you located? Tell me something about yourself. I don't want to be having a generic conversation, because I don't want to make assumptions. So tell me something about yourself so we can dialogue more effectively.

God bless,

Lionel Woods

S.J. Walker said...


I wish i could remember all the times that I have heard the argument "Jesus associated with sinners..."

The problem with this argument is that it is not complete. Yes, Jesus did "associate" with sinners (that is, unbelievers, for we all still sin). That is absolutely true. The second half of the sentence is this:
"and He called them to repentance."

Do you see the difference?

In regards to the individuals mentioned herein, I suggest something: Don't take anything I say, or anything Lionel says, or anyone else to task or even begin to understand and agree with us yet.

First, go and read Matthew 21:12-17.
Then, go to 1 Corinthians 15:33,34
Ten go to 1 Corinthians 5:9-13

These should get you started.

The point here is that yes. the Church is commanded to "go", but all the while it must be recognizable as The Church. This applies to individuals as well as organizations.

I hope that I have gained a sister in this. May God speak to you and terrify you and call to you and love you Jennifer

In Christ

Anonymous said...

Good post brother. I believe you were on point. Thank you for being gracious with the sister too.

I'm offended by all of this religious R & B. In the name of being contemporary and culturally relevant, it's a denial of Christ.

I think some of laugh to keep from crying. This crass attitude before God is grieving Holy Spirit.

Sadder still is the state of some professing christians that have been taught the word of God.

Blessing to the Urban Theologs and to S.J. I appreciate the use of scripture.

We are definitely under grace. In scripture (Leviticus 10 and Acts 5) Worship in a self-styled manner was punishable by death.

The Lord is very gracious to us!

He could wipe us out and do us no wrong!

I echo the Amen!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I left out the word " not" in this statement. So it should read:

Sadder still is the state of some professing christians that have not been taught the word of God.

Neither have many been taught to be better thinking.

S.J. Walker said...


I read your profile sir. Amen, and God Bless